Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Machete... uh oh!

Theres a new movie coming soon, It's called Machete. It's a very Quentin-Tarintino-esque movie. It's about a Mexican fellow who gets double crossed by an evil white man and apparently, to quote a line in the movie trailer, "He F*%#@d with the wrong Mexican". Now when I first saw this trailer I was getting excited as I love action movies, and this looked full of action, it even featured Steven Segal in the trailer, which got me more excited than the fact Jessica Alba's in the movie. So naturally I decided to do a little research on the movie to find out more about it. A movie with Dinero, Segal, Jessica Alba, and two of former Lost cast members was definitely worth a deeper look beyond the trailer. What I found was really unnerving, the movie draws some very direct and unsubtle parallels to whats going on with the Hispanic community in Arizona. Whats more, the film maker, Rob Rodriguez directly uses white(Caucasian) people as the main villain and from what I read the film is basically a slaughter-fest of white folk by Hispanic Americans. The imagery and symbolism in the movie also doesn't hold back on condemning white people, there are several scenes where the main character Machete is shown in a literally saint-like fashion as he slaughters people while the evil-white people are displayed in a typically sinister and evil manner. whether or not you agree or disagree with Whats going down in Arizona one thing is for sure. Anything that could potentially breed violence and pain is not the answer, and I hope that when this movie comes out that it doesn't inspire certain groups of people to react in a similar fashion.

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